Monday, July 11, 2016

Mon, Jul 11, 2016 6:02 pm Orange ya glad we got to be companions?:D

Oh my goodness, I have never had so many dinner conversations about the color orange. I forgot to tell you that Sister Moore's favorite color is orange. And she is obsessed. It is a conversation we have like everyday. Literally, every day! So funny.:D

This is what our faces look like when our less active says they are coming to church

Our lesson in the park with Patricia

Rick and Sister Moore

That's right. I live here!!!)  

I am sad to say that Sister Moore is leaving me!! She is headed over to Victoria! And I get to stay in Kelowna. I feel so blessed to stay in this place that I LOVE so much. And my new companion is Sister Esplin! I love her already!:):):)This week has been one of the best weeks of my entire mission. I just feel so grateful to Heavenly Father for giving me the opportunity to serve in Kelowna with Sister Moore. 

I love Kelowna, I love the people, and I love my companion. We are always smiling and having fun and working SO hard. Something that Sister Moore and I did with all of our commitments that we have received at zone meeting and district meeting is make a long list of them and review them often. I know that applying what we learn is the key to changing and being converted! We have been changing and applying and seeing miracles. I totally want to make a long list of all the commitments we receive from General Conference. After the mission, General Conference will be my zone and district meetings! 

in the rain

Some of the miracles we have seen are:

1- We received 2 solid member referrals this week. Bishop Oliver gave us a referral of one of his coworkers. Brandy is seriously so amazing! We met with her this week and we asked her "what are you hoping to learn from us?" And she said, "I'm not exactly sure. I am a clean slate." She really doesn't have much of a religious background at all. But all of her friends are Mormons and she went to temple square a few weeks ago. She has so many amazing examples in her life and you can just tell that she desires to be happy like them! She came to church on Sunday and was so touched by the Spirit. I really love her and I'm sad that she actually is from Saskatchewan so missionaries there will continue to teach her. :):) Then our other referral is Sandra! She, on the other hand, has so much knowledge about God and about the Bible..but now she just needs a testimony to match her knowledge. We can definitely help her with that!:) She is definitely searching for something more in life and I absolutely know that she can find it here. The gospel is for everyone!

2-Patricia is doing great! We fasted and prayed for her on Sunday so that she can stop smoking. So as you read this, please take the time to say a prayer for Patricia! She received a preisthood blessing to help her after church. She was all smiles. Sure love her:)

3- We met an amazing lady named Katie. Well actually, Sister Moore met her a few months ago, but she was really busy so she told the sisters to come back at the end of June. So we went over on Sunday morning...and wow!!! She is such a miracle. She is so prepared. She wants to learn, she wants to act, she wants something better in her life. Seriously one of the coolest people I have ever met.

Something I have noticed from all of these amazing people is that all of them have the desires to change. They want something better in their life and they can see that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints can offer it to them. 

With Sister Arnold and Sister Stevenson 
Haha...Dave...Brother Burgess. Coolest tennis playing, dirt bike riding ward mission leader ever. 
This week, as I have watched Sister Moore say goodbye to so many people that she truly loves, I have felt so blessed. Blessed to serve a mission. Blessed to know these amazing people. Blessed to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Blessed to love and truly be loved. Blessed to invite all to come unto Christ. Heavenly Father really is so good. I love Him. I know He is real. I know He is there and understands us. He understands that we have our ups and our downs and that is why He sent His Son Jesus Christ. To help us. To love us. To truly understand us. I have learned that Jesus Christ is the greatest manifestation of God's love for us! :D :) :)

I hope you all have a great week!:):) Keep smiling.

Hermana Hoth:)

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