I just want to thank my family for sending me all of the incredible notes from the Rushton Reunion! I love all of you so much and I feel so blessed to have your love and support. It really means the world to me!:)
Em & Sister Huszti |

Haha, So on request from my parents...here is some more information on my cute little Hungarian companion. Sister Huszti is from Debrecen in Hungary. Her dad is a construction worker and her mom is a stay at home mom. She is the youngest and has an older brother and sister. She went to school before her mission for photography. Haha...so she likes to take pictures EVERYWHERE. She wants to go to Utah sometime after her mission to do more school. She is obsessed with funny animal videos on youtube...of course we don't watch them on the mission. But just all the sudden, she will burst out in laughter. It's always because one of the videos comes to her mind. Sometimes, it's really hard to get her focused in lessons or conversations with people on the street because she is smiling and laughing at their animals. Hmm...what else? Haha, she is gluten free. So that's pretty interesting...I love bread. I am super impressed with her English. She has grown and learned so much in just 3 weeks. The members love her and people on the streets are always so fascinated with her.
So we were able to see Klara this week. She is the Hungarian woman we met the very first night and very first door when Sister Huszti got here. We taught her the Restoration, and I took the lead in the discussion. That's just what trainers do I guess, but she wasn't understanding much of what I was saying. So when I was done explaining and she still had millions of questions, I felt defeated. Haha, good thing I had a Hungarian companion right next to me. So I sat there while they talked and Sister Huszti answered all of her questions. What a testimony it was to me that every one person will have the opportunity to hear the gospel in their own language. (2 Ne 30:8)

We had a huge miracle with conference this week! So this week was kind of crazy because we are trying to find new investigators to work with. Some of the people we have been teaching just aren't progressing and we know that there are people out there who are ready to hear the message of the restored gospel. So we are on the search for them. We have worked hard, and for the majority of the week, we weren't seeing much coming out of it. Until yesterday. We had so many people come to the last sessions of conference! Selena came and she brought three of her kids! Selena is a first nations lady that we have worked with for a while now! She wasn't able to stay long, but I know she felt the Spirit. We also had some new investigators, Liz and Rob come! The sisters before us have always done service for Liz, but have never taught her anything. So Sister Huszti and I decided it's time that she learns about the gospel! Turns out that Liz's parents are from Hungary and she is fluent in Hungarian. So many miracles.
Fun Pday today with the Snarrs |
It's been cool to see that as I take my Spanish studies more seriously, even though I'm English work right now, the Lord has blessed us with so many Latinos to talk to. This week, we met 3 latinos and are hoping to go back to one of their homes to teach!
Okay, General Conference was so good. I felt the Spirit so strong and found so many answers to my questions! I hope that all of you had the chance to listen to it! I encourage you to read and reread the talks that were given. They are for YOU! It was such a neat experience for me to see how much my testimony has grown. I absolutely know that we have a prophet on the earth today and Him, his counselors, and the 12 apostles are called of God. I had a testimony of this truth before my mission, but I am just beginning to understand the significance and importance of having prophets and apostles. We are truly so blessed. I know that we will be blessed as we follow their counsel. One of my favorite parts of conference was hearing the testimony of one of the new apostles, Dale G. Renlund. I think I really related to him because he said that he feels inadequate, weak, and simple. That's exactly how I feel! But like him, I know that this work is not about me and God works through the weak and simple. "It's about the Lord, His work, and Heavenly Father's children." I love when he said, "To effectively serve others, we must look at them through God's eyes." I really loved all of the talks so much. What a blessing to have investigators there to hear the joyful news of the gospel!

Sisters Heaton, Snarr, Jeppson, Magelby, Hoth, Jensen, Huszti |
I just want to end this email with the scripture I have chosen to "ponderize" this week! (Also, I hope all of you are taking the challenge to ponderize a scripture each week.) It is 3 Ne 5:13 "Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life." I know that I am called by a prophet of God to share what I have come to know is true. I'm grateful that I have had these truths my whole life. But I am most grateful for the trials, challenges, and experiences I've had in my life to put these truths to the test. It is through those things that I have gained a witness and testimony of my own. I feel so blessed.
We got to eat lunch at this incredible home! |
Love the Anderson family! |
Their infinity pool
Hoth and Huszti (view from the Anderson's home)
Love you all and thank you so much for your support! I pray that you have an incredible week!
Love, Sister Hoth