Wow, this has been quite the week! To start off, last Pday we were able to do something fun!;) Haha we went to a part of Surrey with tons of East Indian shops. It was so cool to go to a Sikh temple...their culture and religion is so fascinating for me! Everyone in the temple was so pleasant and helped us find our way around. The rest of the night was amazing. We decided to stop by Luis and Rosa again. She was so excited to see us! It's interesting, they've decided to not go to any church because "all of them are so man made". So they hold their own little service at their house every Saturday just with their family. It sounds a lot like Family Home Evening so we asked if we could come and visit for an hour one Saturday. There family is adorable. They have 3 little boys and the youngest one is always dressed up like Spiderman when we visit. Then they told us of another Latino family in the area. So we knocked on their door...and MIRACLE! It was a girl that we had met at Surrey Central a week ago. I was so glad that I remembered her name, and she remembered us too. She said, "You're kind of hard to forget!".
So one of my favorite experiences this week was when we visited an old investigator. She hasn't taken the discussions in a long time, but we felt like we should stop by! Her name is Virginia and she is from Argentina. She invited us right in and we started talking like we had known each other for years! The first thing she said when we walked in was, "I've been thinking about joining your church." Haha, well great!!! That's exactly why we're here! The coolest part is that Virginia, her boyfriend, and one of her little boys came to church. It was incredible! All of the lessons at church seemed to be tailor fitted to them! And also, Rita and Lenin came to church again! They loved hearing all of the little kids bear their testimonies! It really was such a neat experience!
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Check out these cats and veggies. life! |
So one of my least favorite experiences this week was when we were talking to EVERYONE...and I mean everyone...on the streets. Haha, it's actually pretty funny! Hermana Johnson and I were talking to this huge man from Africa! He said his name was, "God's Will...something something...with God all is possible.", but he goes by "Bright" for short. He was pretty cool at first, but then he started saying stuff like, "you know as representatives of your church you probably shouldn't have so many "infections" (which means zits I guess). So then he went on for hours about how pineapple juice would cure everything. of our favorite members to take to lessons with us is Hermana Moro. I will have to get a picture with her sometime to prove how awesome she is! Every Sunday she wears like 9 inch high heels, a huge sock bun on top of her bun, blue eye shadow, bright pink lipstick, and matching sunglasses that she wears on top of her head. Haha. But on our way to lessons, she always gives us so much advice and tells so many stories. This week, she was saying that when she moved to the U.S., she read childrens book to learn English. She told us how messed up the "animal sounds" are in English. For example, roosters don't go "Cock-a-doodle-doo-" but "EEE-EEE-EEEE". Haha she went on and was hilarious. She was like, "Animals don't talk, I think you've got it all wrong."
This week, I was studying in Enos. Everything that I was going through this week was basically summed up in that one chapter. I love how he explains how diligent the people are in trying to restore the Lamanites. They were hard working missionaries, but the Lamanites wouldn't change. Mission work is so hard, but like Enos says, he "rejoiced in it above that of the world." Why would this hard work be the thing that he rejoices in? I believe it is because we get to watch people change, see them feel the Spirit, and witness the Lord opening their eyes. This work truly is incredible! I would invite all of you to be a missionary...not specifically one that wears a name tag...but one that wears the Savior's name on their heart. Reach out to people, help them see the joy that you have felt from the gospel, and change someone's life. If we work with all our might to be our best and to help others come unto Christ, then we will be able to hear the same words that the Lord said to Enos, "Come unto me, ye blessed, there is a place prepared for you in the mansions of my Father." I promise you that there is no greater joy than the joy that the gospel offers us! It is everlasting and eternal joy. I'm grateful that I have it in my life, it has changed me. I hope and pray that the love and joy of the gospel will change each of you too!
I love you all and hope your week is great!
Con amor, Hermana Hoth