It has been anther incredible week in Surrey. I love being with Sister Cendreda! We kind of started the week off rocky. Sister Cendreda had the flu so we stayed inside all day long after getting her a priesthood blessing. It was fine...I did lots of calls, planning, cleaning. I literally sanitized everything in the house. There is no way I am getting sick a 4th time in my mission. Haha.
Finally a sunny day! |
But after that...we went out and worked so hard. Our latest update on Lenin is that he needs to get heart surgery. Poor Rita...we are feeling so sad for her. But if anything, it is helping us turn to God and have more faith and trust in His plan.
The relief society put together a baby shower for Rosa this week. It has been incredible for me to see how the ward is embracing Rosa and helping her progress in the gospel. I remember the first time Rosa and Raul came to a ward activity...Sister Johnson and I ran from member to member, making sure that everyone introduced themselves to them. Now they are friends with all of them. Seriously, this ward is so good. Her baby shower went really well and was so fun for all the hermanas to be together! I love going to Rosa and Raul's house and watching them prepare everything for their sweet baby girl. They are going to be such good parents and have the cutest eternal family!:) We had a powerful lesson with them on Sunday night. I was able to tell them how grateful I am that God has allowed me again to be a part of their lives and conversion. I truly feel so blessed. God is so good to me. We told them very boldly that God's plan for them is Rosa to be baptized and Raul to be an active member in the church. The Spirit was so strong in this lesson, especially as we sang Families can be together forever!
With Rosa & Jacqueline
So, she is so solid. It has been such a long time since we have had a solid investigator. We have no way to get a hold of her so we just showed up at her house to set an appointment with her. She said that we can't meet in her house because she shares it with her cousin and they wouldn't like that. So she took two buses all the way to a gas station where we could meet her and then walk to a member's home where we could have the lesson. We had the lesson at the Rangel home, Hermano Rangel is our ward mission leader. We taught her about the Plan of Salvation. It was neat for me to come to the realization that the world has such a limited view of God's plan...all they see is the here and now and occasionally worry about going to heaven or hell. It was such a blessing to help her see the entire picture. I know it brought her a lot of peace because her mom just passed away a few months ago and her husband has Alzheimers. This lesson was a bit challenging for me because its been so long since I have taught the Plan of Salvation in Spanish. But if anything, I know she felt the Spirit as I told her about my sweet grandma who had Alzheimers. The plan of salvation is not something I just believe in, but something I know. I know my grandma still lives and I know that I will see her again.
Cendreda, Hoth, little Emily |
Cendreda, Jacky, Hoth, Moro
So remember Alejandra? She is the cute little old lady we would visit...she always sat in her big chair as we read the Book of Mormon and sang hymns to her. We went to visit her this last week, and it was so shocking to me to see her. She is so different...very ill and very frail. She just laid there as we sang hymns to her. Then for just a moment she had so much strength. She sat up and started singing families can be together forever with us. She is so special and I know God is watching out for her.
This week, I have really found a love for repentance and receiving forgiveness. I know that the Atonement of Jesus Christ is not just for sinners, but for everyone. I think sometimes people think of repentance in a negative way, but for me I LOVE IT. I love having the opportunity to change every single day and account to God what I did with His time each day. I love reflecting on the question, "how did I use the Atonement today?". It feels so good to be filled with the Spirit and receive God's forgiveness, love, peace, and comfort. I pray that each of you will be able to remember our Savior Jesus Christ and use His Atonement. We have been seeing miracles here because of YOUR prayers and YOUR faith. So thank you thank you thank you. I pray that you will all receive stronger testimonies every single day.
Hermana Hoth