Hola mi familia y amigos,
I want to start off with a miracle that Sister Wright and I had this week! So one day, we planned that we would go stop by one of our former investigators. As we were walking to his house, Sister Wright was texting someone and I was looking through my bag for something. When we reached his front porch
I want to start off with a miracle that Sister Wright and I had this week! So one day, we planned that we would go stop by one of our former investigators. As we were walking to his house, Sister Wright was texting someone and I was looking through my bag for something. When we reached his front porch
we looked up and we realized there was a girl sitting there. She did not look very happy.We started talking to her and found out that she was the former investigator's granddaughter. Wow, she had been having a rough day. Basically, we told her to just let it all out. She told us everything and cried and cried. Pretty soon, her grandpa showed up and she completely closed off again. But they both agreed that we could come back to teach them. So on the morning that we were preparing for them in companionship study. We planned on teaching them the Restoration, but as we were role playing, it didn't feel right at all. We changed it so it would meet the needs of MayAnna better. Then when we showed up, it turns out that it was just MayAnna that we were teaching. So cool. Heavenly Father lead us to her first of all, then He knew exactly what she needed to hear. Our lesson was powerful and she is working toward being baptized on October 2nd. Missionary work is amazing. All we need to do as missionaries is be worthy and willing to have the Spirit. Then the Spirit will tell us all the things we should do and say. I am so convinced that we cannot do this work without the Spirit. "And the Spirit shall be given unto you by the prayer of faith; and if ye receive not the Spirit ye shall not teach." (D&C 42:14) Because Sister Wright and I chose to receive the Spirit, we were in the right place at the right time and we were told exactly what to teach.
So I have exciting news. We got our transfers news on Saturday night and it looks like Sister Wright is leaving. She is going to Surrey and opening a new area there...oh and she is also training a brand new missionary! That will be quite the adventure! But I absolutely know she will do incredible things there. I have seen her grow so much these last two transfers. I look up to her so much and I'm so glad that we have become such good friends!:) As for my news. I am staying in Sidney. I am staying in English work. And I am also training a brand new missionary.
I am so humbled. My first thought when I got this call was, "Heavenly Father, are you sure?" Then I began to question everything I have learned as a missionary. Wait...do I know how to talk to people? Do I know how to teach lessons? Do I know how to work with the ward? Haha, but something that keeps coming to my mind over and over again is "Do I have Faith or Fear?" And then I choose to have faith. I was actaully reading in PMG this morning under humility and I love the line that says, "You are confident that you can do whatever the Lord requires of you if you rely on Him." I'm not a perfect missionary, and I accept that. I know that I won't be a perfect trainer, and I accept that. But you better believe that I am going to give every ounce of passion and diligence to the Lord and this work. I will do my best. And really...that's all I'm ever asked to do...my best. I am confident that the Lord knows exactly what I need to do on my mission. And I came to the realization this morning, that with a new missionary...my mission, even more so now, is definitely not about me. My mission is about them. All of them. My companion, my investigators, my ward members, my people in Sidney. It's about them. And I love that. Through this turning outward, I am actually discovering what is like to be ME! To just be myself. I love that.
The mission is definitely not about me, but I'm grateful for how much it has changed me!
So on Wednesday, Sister Wright and I will ride the ferry together over to Richmond to pick up our new missionaries! What an adventure this will be! I am excited to show this new sister just how miraculous and fun missionary work really is!
It's been pretty sad to see everyone say goodbye to Sister Wright. The ward loves her so much. I have been pretty emotional. We were able to sing together in Sacrament meeting for her goodbye! That was pretty good! I love how even though the mission doesn't last long, the relationships we make here last forever!
I've learned that Canadians say some really weird things...other than "eh". Instead of sledding, they say "tobogganing". Instead of Snowmobiling they say "Ski-dooing". They call bags...begs. They always ask if you want your milk in a beg. Umm...no.
We had an awesome mini missionary with us for a few days. Emma is basically like my best friend now. She is going to England next month and wanted some experience! She reminds me of what I was like when I first came on my mission...quiet. Haha! But she has such a powerful testimony. We had so much fun with her and were able to see so many miracles!!
Our worst enemy dog. we hate her, she bites |

So I just want to end with sharing the goals that I have for next transfer. I have been praying and praying for what I should focus on and it comes down to 3 goals! 1-Using the Atonement in the Moment. I want to be quicker to think about Jesus Christ and what He has done for me. I don't want little things to affect me throughout my day, but I just want to hand it over to the Lord. He will take care of everything. I know that using the Atonement makes me happy. So if you want to be happy! Use the Atonement! Come unto Christ! (Moroni 10) 2- No worries! No stress! Just be me and be my best! 3-Be genuine! I love this work and am
grateful for all your support!
Love, Hermana Hoth
ellie and jacob gave us bracelets for our goodbye presents. i'm not leaving though. their faces just glowed as we told them how much we loved them. probs not mission appropriate though! |
We love our sisters! Party! Wright, Jensen, Hoth, Christianson, Magelby, Jeppson (above right) |