On Tuesday, I said goodbye to my sweet Sister Moore!! I learned so many incredible things from her. I have never had any other companion that brings the Spirit so strong by just saying "we are missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints." She is so powerful and will have a mission full of success. I know it. Another valuable thing I learned from her is that we really only have one title. We might say we are weird, or forgetful, or impatient, or cool, or whatever. But we really are just one thing! We are children of God!:):)
Hermana Hoth and Sister Moore (transfer day) |
Our Last Study Session
Moore, Hoth, Ricks, Gregory, Huszti, Bell |
Hermana Hoth & new companion Sister Esplin
With Sister Cadorette |
With Cheri |
The other night, as I was saying my prayers, the Spirit brought something to my memory that I had learned at the beginning of my mission. It was this-It's not hard to share the gospel when the gospel is who you are. In that moment I realized, I have fulfilled that truth! Throughout my mission, God has molded and shaped me to become the person He wants me to become. I realize now that the gospel of Jesus Christ is who I am. And oh, I find so much joy in sharing the gospel with others!
I feel so happy and so blessed. I love hearing about all of my old areas. They are so much a part of me! I got emails from Rosa and Laura this week saying that they are working towards baptism! Wow, I love them so much! Please pray for them.

We met with Sandra again this week! She is one of the member referrals we received. She is so great! Her true friend slept in and missed the lesson, but we figured it was part of God's plan. So we taught her the Plan of Salvation. And we start off with the Premortal life and she immediately asks for a scripture to back it up! Thank goodness for the Spirit who brought a scripture to our minds. :):) She is so knowledgeable about the Bible, but is so truth seeking. We sure love her!
Hoth, Ricks, Amat
Hoth and Ricks |
Kangaroo Farm!! (Hoth, Ricks, Esplin, Bell, Amat) |
Hermana Hoth and Sister Ricks with baby kangaroos |
MY FAVORITE MIRACLE: Last week, Sister Moore and I were out talking to people on the streets and we walk by this driveway to an apartment building. We see a lady sitting on the sidewalk with her head in her hands. It appeared as though she was just sobbing. We go over to her and sit next to her. She didn't want to tell us about it right then but gave us her address so we could see her later. Sister Epslin and I tried to contact her 2 times this week but she was heading to work each time. So then, on Saturday, we felt so prompted to walk on the highway down to a specific road and then walk back. So we did that, trusting in the Spirit. And guess who we saw?!? This lady...Kristine! We walked with her and she explained to us that she just got diagnosed with cancer and being having many health struggles! We testified of Jesus Christ and His Atonement and God's perfect plan for us. She was touched by the Spirit. The road that we had planned to go to was the road right where her work was. So we walked the whole way with her and then said a prayer. God is so aware of His children. He is so loving and real. I prayer that each of us may be instruments in God's hands to help others know that they are loved. Alma 29:9-10
Aww! Cute!! Holding a baby kangaroo!!
Sister Esplin and Sister Gregory |
Patricia set a date to quit smoking..August 28! Which is also her birthday! How perfect. She really is so great and I just love teaching her. I have seen her grow so much in the gospel. She taught me something so special. We asked her why we need to have faith. She said, "If we didn't have faith, we wouldn't have hope. If we didn't have hope, there would be no God."
I know that the gospel of Jesus Christ is true. I know it! I love it! It makes me so happy to be a disciple of Jesus Christ! Have a great week, and remember that God loves you! Love, Hermana Hoth