So this week the elders in our ward had a baptism! Her name is Brenda and she is so incredible. Sister Moore and I were able to go over to their home before her baptism to have dinner and teach them. She is amazing and so prepared! So we were able to go to her baptism on Saturday and sing at it. So fun! And guess what! President Burt came! Haha, I talked to him for a bit and then turned to greet people walking in and there was an investigator there who spoke Spanish so of course I start chatting away! Haha, I hear President Burt behind me say, "It's always about Spanish." Haha...but really. We have been finding so many Spanish people lately. It is such a tender mercy for me because I miss Spanish work at times! But it's not ALWAYS about Spanish, it's always about God! And God has commanded me to learn and speak Spanish so I can talk and teach His children. And I realized, as I continue to learn Spanish, I am becoming more like Heavenly Father....because He speaks Spanish. Isn't that neat?:) Haha, I love President Burt.
Haha so we finally got our car back after a week of not having it. Wow, I have never ever been so grateful to have a car in my entire life. It really hastens the work here in Kelowna!!
Well we had the most amazing zone conference this week! President and Sister Burt really do so much for us and are so inspired. I love and respect them so much. President told us that we should not become discouraged with ourselves because we are not baptizing every week. He said that there are baptisms happening all over the world every single day because of your diligence and service to God. We received so many commitments during zone conference, and I received even more from the Spirit. God really wants me to give it my all! What I loved from zone conference was a training given by Sister Burt. She based her training off of the talk "Of regrets and resolutions" by President Uchtdorf. So good. In the talk he says that some people were asked at the end of their lives if they regretted anything. The top 3 things that they regretted are 1-not spending time with their family and loved ones. 2- Not reaching their full potential. 3-Not allowing themselves to be happier. Wow, this really opened my eyes. Do I let my family know how much I love them? Am I really becoming the person God needs and wants me to be? And am I happy now? So what have I been doing about it? I have applied it. I allow myself to be happy in every moment and just trust God. It's not an easy thing..try it! I have learned that life is not a destination, but a journey. We don't start life hoping, waiting, longing for the end. We don't start our missions that way either. We start with the hope of enjoying and loving and learning. We can't wish away the precious time that God has blessed us with. We can't say "I will be happy when....." We must say and allow ourselves to "be happy now!" :) President Uchtdorf finishes his talk by saying, "I pray that we will not wait until we are ready to die before we truly learn to live."
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Emily, Teresa |
Making new friends in Kelowna ( Erin ) |
Robinette, Em |
Moore, Hoth, Jacob, Jordan |
Sister Goreous, Emily |
Moore, Rick, Hoth |
Recent Convert BBQ |
So we have a new investigator from Honduras! YAY! The Elders found her for us and we were able to meet her yesterday. Wow, Heavenly Father helped me so much. He brought my Spanish back to me. So half of the lesson was in English and half of it was in Spanish, but all of it was by the Spirit. It was incredible that as I would talk to her in Spanish, Sister Moore would know exactly where I was in the lesson and testified so beautifully.
She is such a good one! Love her!
Pretty View |
Jib |
Then the other day we were going to go visit Jenny, one of our recent converts and she wasn't there! So we waited for a little bit, hoping she would come. Then we saw a lady walking towards us. The Spirit was telling me to wait for her so we could talk to her. It was crazy, she looked so much like my friend, Laura, from Sidney. So I HAD to talk to her. It wasn't Laura from Sidney but it was Laura from Mexico. She was incredible! So friendly and said that we can come visit her and just gave us her address. So many miracles. Haha...I have been fasting and praying for a Spanish branch to open here.
So lets hope that happens!
Oh, and Oscar came to church again! He sure loves it! So cool to have been part of his conversion story!
I have learned so much about my companion. Haha she is so fun and funny.
1-she doesn't make ramen noodles right. They are so easy to do you mess it up? Haha.
2-Everyone always tells her that she reminds them of someone. Haha, I did that when I first got here. She reminds me of Sister Wright and Katie!:):) Haha.
3-She often has a surprised look on her face. I have never heard so many people ask someone if they are surprised. In fact, I've never heard that before. So funny.
4- She is seriously the most Christlike person I have met. She is so good!
I loved this quote from a little boy's talk in sacrament meeting yesterday. "Get off your phone and computer and be an active participant in your life."
"It's not really important why you came , what's important is why you stayed." -President Burt
Have a great week! Love you all!
Love, Hermana Hoth
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