Cheesy missionary pics. . everybody's got to have at least one
I want to share with you what has made this transfer so difficult and so very special for me. I remember when I got my call to be a trainer...I was so humbled. I was so thrilled for the new opportunity and adventure of helping a brand new missionary start this journey. My excitement soon turned to fear as I looked across the table at my new Hungarian companion during a weekly planning session. I looked at her and thought, "this is impossible. I can't understand her. She can't understand me." I completely turned away from God as I got up from that table and got to work doing EVERYTHING by myself. I figured she couldn't help me. I was so wrong. For 2 weeks, I literally did everything by myself. The planning, the calling, the driving, the teaching. All of it. I was only relying on myself, and because of that I completely broke down. I have learned that "with men (myself) this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26) As painful as it was to transition from doing everything by myself to taking things at a slower pace and truly relying on God, other missionaries, and the ward for help, it was no where near as painful as it was feeling completely alone.
During that big transition, I received a priesthood blessing from Elder Snarr, the Senior couple serving in Sidney. It was so powerful for me and I felt the healing power of the Atonement enter into my life and into my soul. In my blessing, I was told over and over again that all would change if I walked in her shoes and really tried to understand her. That was a huge turning point for me. As I turned back to God and turned to my companion, I found light. I love Sister Huszti so much. I genuinely love her and am in awe at her courage for serving a mission. She has been so brave and has helped me grow in miraculous ways. She is God's elect.
As we tried to understand each other, we found the joy that God was offering us the whole time. We have had so much fun and have worked so hard together. I had to slow down and take things at a slower pace than I usually would have, but it made all the difference. We were diligent in a new and inspired way. We had the Spirit with us and we changed lives. Our lives were changed.
Last planning session
Last planning session
That is my story. I have loved my story here in Sidney. It is so dear and close to my heart. I have been changed here. And each person I have met, has become a part of me. I have come to know my Heavenly Father here. I am sad to leave, but I also feel so blessed to be back in Spanish work in Vancouver. My new companion came out at the same time as Sister Huszti so I will be follow-up training her. Her name is Hermana Polanko and she is from Guatemala. She hardly speaks any English, so this will be another adventure! I look forward to it!

My Home They have these statues everywhere in Sidney. On Beacon Street...our fav |
Huszti, Hoth, Heaton ~ WE MATCH!
It was hard saying goodbye to everyone yesterday, but I realized just how many friends I have here on the island. I have loved the ward, my investigators, and my companions. They are so special to me. I cannot wait till I can come back and see them all again. It was so wonderful to hear that I had made a difference here and that I will be missed. I just feel so blessed. I have a few miracles I want to share from this week!
1. CONNIE WENT TO THE TEMPLE! She was able to go this last Saturday to do baptisms! I love it! The church is true!
This is so special for me! It warms my heart! I love Connie and she was able to go do baptisms this last Saturday!!!!!! |
2. Tabitha, the girl that Sister Wright and I found, moved to Sooke so we couldn't teach her anymore! But this last transfer, they opened Sooke and so we sent her info over to those Sisters and she is being taught! Miracles.
3. So this isn't really a miracle. Just super funny things that Sister Huszti says. One of the members was telling us how she was going to an opera tomorrow and Sister Huszti was so confused because she thought we were talking about an Oprah Winfrey. Haha. Then she was telling me about the time she had red hair, "I used to have hair like a fork." A fork?? Haha..she meant fox. So funny.
Do you like the creeper in the background?
Sister Huszti begged me to go to a we went to the Sidney museum and it was closing so we were only there for 5 minutes but she loved it!
4. I forgot to mention last week, when it was Thanksgiving that we went around asking everyone what they were grateful for. Even if people weren't interested, they were more than happy to say what they were grateful for! The responses we got were, "working, breathing, life, family, dog, God, and so on.." When it comes down to it, for me, all that matters is God, Jesus Christ, my family, and my friends. I 'm so grateful and so blessed to have all of you! Thank you for your love and support. I pray that you all have a great week!
Do you like the creeper in the background?
Sister Huszti begged me to go to a we went to the Sidney museum and it was closing so we were only there for 5 minutes but she loved it!
Love, Sister....
I seriously love this family so much..the Dawley fam. they remind me of us (my family)
I'm so little |
RCMP aw yeah. bro dawley was in the police force. HAHA |
Sister Huszti |
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