Hola...I mean...Szia!
Wow, I don't even know how to start this letter. This has been one of the craziest, funnest, stressful weeks of my entire mission. I had to say goodbye to my dear, sweet companion, Sister Wright. Wow, we have just had so much fun here in Sidney. We have had lots of tears and lots of laughs. We had so much fun working so hard together. We truly saw miracles.
Wow, I don't even know how to start this letter. This has been one of the craziest, funnest, stressful weeks of my entire mission. I had to say goodbye to my dear, sweet companion, Sister Wright. Wow, we have just had so much fun here in Sidney. We have had lots of tears and lots of laughs. We had so much fun working so hard together. We truly saw miracles.

We were able to ride the ferry together over to the mainland and I was able to stay in Surrey, my old area, for a day. Haha, we went store contacting for the first time...I'm pretty awkward. But hey, there is no way to make missionary work not awkward, so you just have to embrace it!
Hoth, Laura, Wright |
With the Salas~a message from the Salas: "Love your girls thanks so much for sending them!! Hooray for Israel!!! |
Then the next morning we went on the ferry to the mission office to pick up our greenies. The transfer meeting was great and I learned so much!
look who i got to see. sister lewis. love her!
Lewis, McKee, Ditto, Hoth
I'm not going to lie, this is hard. It's really hard. In these 5 days, I have felt the devil's "mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, his hail and his mighty storm." I have felt all of that. But "I know in whom I have trusted. My God hath been my support; he hath led me through mine afflictions. He hath filled me with his love." (2 Ne 4:18-21) And "Christ, the Son of God" is my "foundation...which is a sure foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall." (Helaman 5:12) The Lord has provided me with this opportunity to gain an understanding of how to rely on Him. At times, I feel like I've hit rock bottom. I don't know how to train, I don't know how to be a good example, I don't know the area as well as I thought I did. But even though I feel like I have hit rock bottom, all is well, because Christ is my rock. It may feel like I am starting at square one again...and maybe I am...but it helps me go back to the foundation of my testimony which is in my Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. All is well.My new companion's name is Sister Huszti (Hoo-stee) and she is from Hungary. She is 21 years old and is a convert of a year and a half. She speaks very little English and it's already proven itself to be a barrier between us. But hey! We can both speak the language of the Spirit, so we will definitely have to rely on that. Sister Huszti is actually the first Hungarian Sister missionary in all of Canada. Pretty incredible...and I get to train her! I have come to understand just how much the Lord trusts the trainers He calls. They have to be such good examples. Everything I say, she copies. Probably because it is the only English words she knows. She learned some English in high school and only spent 2 weeks in the MTC. So now my Spanish studies have turned into English studies. Ha. My mission call is definitely not what I expected it to be. It has been way better. First....I get to learn Spanish. Second...I get to improve my missionary skills in English. And now, Third...I get to learn Hungarian. Wow, the Lord is definitely testing me...I have to rely on Him so much. I love Helaman 5:12. It will be such a comfort for me to remember this verse as I go throughout these days.
Not only has it been crazy to have a new companion, but we found out from Christine the other day, that she smoked while she was on her trip to New York. I was devastated. This news was really hard to get...especially with everything else that is going on. But you know, if there is something that I have learned while being on my mission it is that God's plan is perfect. I don't understand it all. I don't have to know that this transfer will be for my good and that my companion and the people I work with will bless my life so much. I pray that I will be able to bless their lives so much!
Even though things have been pretty hectic! We have still had so much fun! I used to shake my head when Sister Wright would pray that we would have fun (because missionary work is about work not fun---or so I thought). Now I realize that if you're not having fun, you're doing it wrong. It's all about having fun! I taught Sister Huszti how to say "punk", my favorite word, "gonna"..haha she is going to have a Utah accent..hilarious, and a few other phrases.
Haha the other day she came up to me in the morning and said, "You are the best trainer. You teach me how to exercise, cook food, speak english, and be a missionary." Haha, but really. We have started all over at square one.
She never gets sick of the joke, "Are you HUNGRY?" Haha...well she always thinks it's a joke, but I'm always asking if she would like to eat food. Oh yeah..she told me that I shouldn't say "no worries" because it was negative. I told her that it is actually a good thing. Haha. wow, we have so much to learn. She also got super excited the other day when we saw a squirrel. She just about left the conversation to get a picture of it! Haha, she takes pictures of EVERYTHING! So funny.
My favorite thing that she says is "we are so blessed." It's true. The Lord is blessing us so much as we labor among His children in Sidney. We had a really cool miracle the first night that we went out tracting. We knocked on this lady's door and she said she wasn't interested, but before she closed the door we asked where her accent was from. Of course...Hungary. It was one of the coolest things of my life. And we will be able to go back to visit Klara this week. The Lord always provides for us. It just amazes me!
Keep praying for the work here in Sidney to pick up. We are still working with Laura although she needs to really check her "real intent". And our First Nations investigators could use all the prayers they can get. I love the work here. I love this gospel. I love how much all of these people have progressed. I love how much I have changed.The mission is seriously the best thing for my life. Wow, we are so blessed.
I invite you all to evaluate yourselves. This is something that I have been doing constantly with my new calling. Ask yourselves, "where is my heart? what is my focus? why am I living?" I can promise you that as you give your heart to the Lord, focus on living the life He would have you live, and remember your divine identity as a child of God. I love God and I know that all of us can find so much peace and comfort in knowing that He lives and He loves us. I love you all so much. I really appreciate all of your prayers and support!
Love, Hermana/Sister/Nover Hoth
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