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Zone conference! |
This week has been very special to me. Very dear and sacred to me. I have had so many opportunities to gain a stronger testimony of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and His powerful Atonement and resurrection. I love that I have been able to share this testimony with all who I have met too. So I hope that as you read this, you think of our Savior. You think of His love and perfect sacrifice that He did just for you.
One of the experiences that I have had with the Atonement is when we heard about the death of a young father in the community. We have so many friends here, members and investigators, that have been so close to this young man. All of them have been so shocked about his sudden and tragic death. He died unexpectedly due to an accident at his work. As one of our members was telling us about his funeral, I just had so many emotions. I am so sensitive when it comes to all these things. For a brief moment, I felt overwhelmingly sad and depressed...for his family, for him, for all those he influenced in life, and for death in general. It was just so sad. But as soon as this thought came to me, another thought more powerful, beautiful and hope inspiring came to me. I thought of my testimony of Jesus Christ and His resurrection. I thought of when my grandma passed away and all of those doubts and feelings seemed to hit me all at once. It was at this time that I came to a knowledge of the goodness of my God and my Savior. I have a testimony that Jesus Christ resurrected. And because of this we will all live again. We will all have new life. I hope that all of you have been able to see the video #Hallelujah that the church has for Easter. We truly can find new life in Jesus Christ. All shall be made alive. This life does have worth, it does have a purpose. We live because we will live forever. We are here now to show our God that we trust in Him and will do the things that He asks of us. I have come to know that the saddest things in life are sins and death. But both of these things disappear as we learn about the forgiveness and resurrection we receive through Jesus Christ. Hallelujah.
Pupuseria with Hermana Torres :)
We were able to see Carolyn and Alex on Sunday. We had a beautiful lesson with them. We watched the video Hallelujah with them and they loved it. The Spirit was so powerful. Carolyn loved it because she said that Christ gives her such hope that this life is not the end. Alex loved it because it applies to absolutely everyone. In this video there are people from all over the world, rejoicing in Jesus Christ. They all hold up pictures of their loved ones who have passed away. But they all know that they will see these loved ones again.
"She got a bubu. It was a critical moment." Hermana Cendreda |
We have been able to have 3 lessons with Rita this week...and they were all over the phone. It was interesting to have lessons over the phone but they have worked really well. They have been so filled with the Spirit. She is so prepared this time! Please as you read this email...take a second and say a prayer for Rita. She needs it so much!
"I love dogs. Haha." Hermana Cendreda |
I had such a neat experience this week as we were finding. I absolutely know that God is directing this work. What we need to do as missionaries...and members...is be worthy and willing to have the Spirit. As we were driving to an area to find people to teach...I had the tiniest idea to go somewhere else...a complex that we had been to before. It really was such a small idea, but I figured it was from the Spirit. Something that Sister Cendreda has taught me is that "the first thing that comes to your mind is the Spirit, and the second thing is you personal doubt and fear." So we went...I prayed that God would help us find the person He was sending us to. As we got closer, the Spirit continued to grow and grow. Once we arrived at the place, the Spirit continued to direct us left then right and then told us to park. We parked and received the impression to start knocking doors at the bottom of the street and work our way up. We reach the bottom of the road and there is a lady outside on her porch. She was on the phone so she couldn't really talk to us but, she is Latina! Her name is Julia and she said that we could come back. After this miracle, we just looked at each other and were like WHAT? How in the world did we find her? It was so incredible.
Well family I want to share my favorite scripture with you about the resurrection. It is a scripture that has always given me so much hope. This is when Mary and other women go back to the tomb where Jesus Christ's body was. The tomb was empty. Angels appeared to them and said,
Why seek ye the living among the dead?
He is not here, but is risen:
We cannot dwell on the dark and dreary, but remember the goodness of God. He send His Son to die for us...that we may not forever be dead. But that we might have life in Christ.
Love, Hermana Hoth